
If you or a family member experienced permanent hair loss after taking Taxotere, you may be entitled to compensation.

At Liska, Exnicios & Nungesser, we have experience in handling Taxotere cases.  We would be happy to review your case and go over your options with you.  If you would like to schedule an evaluation, please call our office at (504) 410-9611.

What Is Taxotere™?

Taxotere is a chemotherapy drug that is manufactured and distributed by Sanofi-Aventis.  It is primarily used for the treatment of breast cancer, but may also be used to treat non-small cell lung cancer, prostate cancer, stomach cancer, and head/neck cancer.  It works to prevent cancer growth by interfering with the division of cancer cells.  

All chemotherapy drugs carry risks, but lawsuits allege that Sanofi-Aventis did not adequately warn patients of all the risks assocated with Taxotere.

Taxotere™ Lawsuits

One study that analyzed the effects of Taxotere found that up to 9.2% of women treated with the drug experience PERMANENT hair loss.  Although temporary hair loss is a possible side effect of chemotherapy and radiation, PERMANENT hair loss should not occur.  The FDA updated the warning label for Taxotere in 2015 to include permanent hair loss, but this was not part of the warning label when the drug was initially released.

Patients who experienced permanent hair loss after taking Taxotere, prior to the FDA warning, allege that Sanofi-Aventis failed to adequately inform them of the risks associated with the drug.  When Taxotere hit the market, it was advertised as being more effective than similar chemotherapy drugs.  However, Taxotere often requires higher dosage levels than competing drugs, which often results in more severe side effects.

Lawsuits claim that there are chemotherapy drugs on the market that produce similar side effects without causing permanent hair loss.  If patients had known that Taxotere could cause permanent hair loss, they likely would have chosen a different drug.

Filing a Taxotere™ Lawsuit in New Orleans

Taxotere has not been recalled, but drug companies are required to adequately disclose side effects.  Lawsuits claim Sanofi-Aventis failed to disclose that Taxotere could cause permanent hair loss.

While permanent hair loss may seem insignificant in comparison to losing your life to cancer, patients have a right to know all of the possible side effects of a particular medication.  There are other medications on the market that treat cancer as effectively as Taxotere without the risk of permanent hair loss.  Patients have a right to make informed decisions about their treatment, and Taxotere lawsuits allege that these patients were not given the information they needed to be able to do so.

The physical and emotional pain endured by women with breast cancer throughout their treatment is severe on its own.  Adding the emotional trauma of permaent hair loss resulting from Taxotere use can be devastating.  Those who have suffered from such an expereince should be heavily compensated for their loss.

If you experienced permanent hair loss after taking Taxotere and want to learn more about your options, please contact us at Liska, Exnicios & Nungesser. We are happy to review your case and answer any questions you may have.